In our last newsletter on January 15, we informed you that we had written to the company regarding our concern with the office closures and redundancies and that we were seeking a briefing and meeting with Auscript so to be informed of the details concerning the office closures.

Over the next few days, the USU/ASU initiated correspondence between the parties, organised a telephone conversation to take place, but failed to secure a personal meeting. Meanwhile, members were informing us that employees were already taking redundancies and that consultation timelines were very narrow for employees to make informed decisions about redundancies, re-deployment and/or external job opportunities.

Given this lack of proper consultation with employees (members) and the Union in a realistic time frame, the USU/ASU has today (20 January) notified the Fair Work Commission of a dispute between the USU/ASU and Auscript regarding office closures and their impact on employment prospects exacerbated by the lack of proper and meaningful consultation with employees and the USU/ASU. The FWC will inform the parties when a Conference will take place.

The USU/ASU will highlight to the Commission employee concern with job losses and the lack of proper consultation. The USU/ASU will subsequently inform members of any major developments. 

Alternatively, you can contact USU Organiser Emily Callachor on 0417 420 924 or via email at