On Wednesday October 18, 2017 your USU EBA representatives along with those from the other Unions attended yet another meeting with Ausgrid management in an effort to negotiate an acceptable deal for USU members.

Ausgrid management stated that they had not proceeded to investigate proposals put forward by the Unions at the last meeting as they were made aware the Unions were intending to take Protected Industrial Action and didn’t see the point of doing any more work on the proposal until they had confirmation of this.

The major focus of the discussions on Wednesday was around Management’s apparent “singled-minded” approach that Ausgrid MUST move to a Performance Based Pay Structure implemented through the introduction of the Career, Capability and Remuneration Framework (CCR).

Devil in the detailAusgrid Management has already conveyed some information to employees about how the new system will work which is little more than an overview – THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAIL !!

EBA representatives from all Unions sought further information from management about the “nuts and bolts” of the new system asking about:

  • How is performance measured
  • Who has the say on whether an employee has “exceeded expectations”
  • What clear guidelines are in place to ensure it is not a “mates” salary progression system
  • What percentage of employees are expected to “exceed expectations”

Surely if the CCR framework is such an integral component of this EA package Ausgrid management should be able and willing to provide the bargaining representatives with the associated guidelines to ensure constructive negotiations can take place.

Instead we continue to get this “drip feeding” approach from management where they give YOUR representatives a little bit more information each meeting.


IF they are sincere about wanting to reach a negotiated outcome in this Bargaining process BE UPFRONT and provide the Unions with the details – then we can move this EA closer to a vote.
For more information contact your USU Organiser: Paul Sansom on: 0409 076 633 or psansom@usu.org.au or Troy Dunne on 0419 403 076 or tdunne@usu.org.au