Our airlines delegates will soon be flying down to Melbourne for our National Airlines Delegates Conference, where our USU/ASU delegates from around the country will come together to discuss issues in airlines and attend delegate training and info sessions.

This year we’ll be discussing issues such as Qantas dodging their obligations to fill staff vacancies, Virgin ignoring staff feedback all while saying they’ve engaged in consultation, and work health and safety obligations across airlines employers. Union delegates from around the country will have the chance to share their knowledge and experience from their workplaces and look at ways we can work together to tackle issues in airlines.

In 2024 we’re joined by our new delegates from Jetstar, Qantaslink, and Rex, and we’re excited to have them on board for the conference. Delegates play a vital role in our union from raising member concerns with their employer and the union and supporting their colleagues in the workplace.

Delegates are usually the first members on the ground to notify the union about issues happening in their workplaces, and through quick action and collaboration we’ve been able to put a stop to companies pushing through changes right under our noses. Recent examples include Qantas’s attempt to outsource duties of our baggage services members, and Qantaslink’s attempted outsourcing crewing duties to Jetconnect.

We want to extend our thanks and congratulations to our new delegates, and we are always on the lookout for members who might be interested in delegate roles or training and development opportunities! If you are interested in becoming a workplace delegate or co-delegate, or if you would just like to know more, please contact your airlines organiser today on 0419 761 320 or email lbutler@usu.org.au

We look forward to providing you further updates on our national campaigns in airlines after this year’s conference!