In May your USU Airlines delegates across the carriers, along with USU Airlines Branch Manager Narelle Rich, and your Airlines Organiser Lyndal Butler, have been in Melbourne for the National ASU Airlines Division Conference.

For the past few days, your delegates and officials have spoken passionately on your behalf, about the issues which impact your workplaces, and sought support to solve these at a national level.

Because as union members, we know that alone, we are easy to ignore. It is through working together, and growing our voice in numbers, that we achieve the improvements that you and your co-workers deserve. 

Our Virgin delegate, and USU Airlines Branch President Karen Oviedo has been elected unanimously as the Vice President of the National Airlines Division Council. We want to congratulate Karen on this tremendous achievement, and know that she will do an excellent job advocating for members in the Airlines Industry. 

Delegates Michelle from QantasLink Group 2, and Kathy from Qantas Lounges, also spoke passionately about the issues of concern to their members.

We want to thank those delegates who were able to come along and represent the issues affecting members on a national stage, and appreciate your continuing efforts to see the best possible outcomes achieved for all Airline workers. 

As always, the more our numbers grow, the stronger we are, so please forward this on to your co-workers. If you are not a member, now is the time to join. You can join today HERE.