Do you ever wake up in the morning and wonder why you always seem to be the one who steps up? The one who takes on extra tasks, helps a neighbour, coaches the local kids at sport, puts a bully in their place?

Do you sometimes think – “stuff it, today I’ll sleep in and not help my elderly neighbour get to the doctors.”

Or “I won’t go to my union meeting today – let someone else do it for a change.”

If you do I would suggest you are in good company – we all feel a bit fed up at times. The special thing about you is that you probably WILL get up and help that neighbour and you’ll definitely turn up at that early morning union meeting.


Because that’s what union members do. We stand up and we stand together. That’s how we get things done. Looking through this latest edition of United I can see members standing up and it makes me proud.

Like your great Executive pictured above, you care. Yes, you care about your own future but it goes beyond that – you care about others too. And you know you are surrounded by people just like you. We stand up for, and with, each other.

Like the bunch of twigs that can’t be broken when they are tied together we know we are stronger when we stand together!

I am proud to be a member of the United Services Union and I am proud of our great Executive and every single member for being the type of person that delivers change.

Have a look through the journal and you will see some great stories. You’ll meet Angela who has been a touch footy referee for 24 years! or you’ll meet Graeme – 5o years as a member and still helping the community.

We shine a spotlight on delegate Lachlan who is standing up to bullies in the legal profession. We meet Ray who has stepped up and joined our Indigenous Members Committee.

And we also see success across our industries as our members work together for a better deal – a better future.

I hope you enjoy this latest edition.

By your side

Sharon Sewell
United Services Union