Thank you to all members who completed the USU survey to determine your priorities for EA negotiations.

Your United Services Union representatives on the bargaining committee: USU Delegate Paul Jupp, USU Organiser Brian Cameron and USU Delegate Brad Wasow will keep you informed about the progress of negotiations.
The United Services Union, along with the combined Unions, has begun meeting with Transgrid management to negotiate a new enterprise agreement. The “Joint Unions Log of Claims” is below:
• Wage increase 3% p.a or the annual percentage increase received by the either the Chairperson of the Board or the CEO in both salary and/or bonuses whichever is the greater
• Expiry December 2019
• Living Away work to be paid sustenance payments at the ATO rate only (no actuals unless the amount paid is higher than the susso)
• Whilst working away from depot weekends to have minimum of four hours paid for each day
• Any communications received after finish of normal work time to be paid at half hour at appropriate overtime rate for each communications received. This is to include any phone calls or emails that are accessed.
• Classifications to be included in agreement
• All PD’s to be agreed and only varied after full consultation and agreement
• Redundancy clause to be clear about No Forced Redundancy
• System in place to ensure that employees who are deemed surplus are guaranteed appropriate positions if they choose to not take redundancy
• Where consultation is called up in the agreement it must be consultation and agreement
• RDO to accrue to less than six
• Individual contracts only to be offered where they provide conditions as good as the agreement or better
• Apprentice clause to be updated to include all of their entitlements
• Guaranteed apprentice intake each year
• Policies to be locked at date of agreement unless agreed to by all parties
• Ability to take Annual leave at half pay
• Security of employment clause to include all subcontractors undertaking work that could have been done by us to be paid same rates and conditions
• Review of average shift rates to include all public holidays including those that are gazetted from year to year ie Christmas on a Saturday
• Domestic Violence clause to be updated to the ACTU model clause
• Parental paid leave increased to 14 weeks full pay or 28 weeks half pay whether the employee is deemed the ‘primary’ care giver of their child or not.
• Normal travel time not to be used to calculate when traveling
• All other conditions to remain unchanged