In March, the USU Women’s Committee had the privilege of visiting and supporting Escabags, an organisation established in response to a heinous act of violence. Escabags offers aid to individuals escaping domestic violence by providing essential toiletries and items for use after leaving dangerous situations.

The USU has made a commitment to stock these bags. Each of our main offices will now keep 4 bags in stock, available for anyone in need without any questions asked. Both adult and family bags are offered to cater to different needs.

But that’s not all! The Women’s Committee and the USU’s Sustainability Committee want to do more. For the months of June, July and August, we are calling upon our members to donate specific items for family bags. These include new sets of coloured pencils, adult and children’s toothbrushes, children’s toothpaste, new colouring books, and roll-on deodorant. These items may be small, but their impact is immense in providing comfort and support to those in difficult situations.

Stay tuned for further details on how you can contribute to this important cause by donating these essential items. Let’s come together as a community and support each other in times of need.