In a recent member win, Manuel, has secured his rightful tool allowance after years of oversight by Waverley Council. Manuel’s experience sheds light on the role unions play in advocating for workers’ rights and ensuring they receive their entitled benefits.

Manuel shares, “Our union has been really helpful with making sure that myself and other members are getting paid what we should be getting paid. I was not aware that I should have been receiving the tool allowance until it was brought to my attention by our union.  It makes a big difference to have someone in your corner who will help you and look out for you.”

The story behind Manuel’s win goes back to last November when the tool allowance was increased. The union organiser took the initiative to advocate for correct payments within the workplace, contacting the council to ensure compliance.

Realising the oversight, Manuel pursued his entitlement with the help of the union, leading to a significant reimbursement of six years’ worth of tool allowance back pay.