At Penrith City Council’s Copeland St Depot, workplace delegate, Bryce Preston led a dispute with guidance from the union organiser to address pay discrepancies between Skilled Field Operators and Plant Operator Drivers.

Starting back in 2023, Bryce and the USU members set out to tackle the pay gap issue. After months of work and advocacy, their efforts paid off in March 2024. Thanks to Bryce’s leadership, it was announced that the pay grades of Skilled Field Operators would be aligned with those of Plant Operator Drivers and pay would be back dated from when the matter was raised.

This means seven deserving union members will now see a $4000 increase in their pay annually.

Well done to Bryce and all the USU Members at Copeland St Depot for making a difference in the lives of their colleagues!

There is always room for fresh perspectives and proactive individuals to drive change within the workplace. Bryce is a relatively new workplace delegate, in just 18 months he has made a substantial impact. If you are interested in becoming a workplace delegate, reach out to your Union Organiser for more information. The USU provides training and resources to support our delegates in their role.