USU, PA and ETU (The combined Unions) members reject Transgrid’s Offer
Transgrid employees have overwhelmingly rejected the company’s wages offer at depot meetings around NSW. As the combined unions we urge members to stand firm for a fair pay rise by voting NO in the ballot that opens on Wednesday 26 May. We urge members to Vote No...
Qantas Freight and AAE Restructure Update
On Friday, 21 May 2021, the USU/ASU met with Qantas Freight and AAE management to discuss the next steps in the Freight Restructure. We have the following updates for members. Exit Dates We told management that members need certainty about their exit date so that they...
MOP(S) Act Enterprise Agreement: NO FLOOR = NO VOTE
In December 2020 MOPS employees made an emphatic statement with an historic NO VOTE sending the Government’s proposed Commonwealth Members of Parliament Staff Enterprise Agreement 2020-23 back to the negotiating table. After a further 6 meetings and several...
Local Government Award: Disciplinary Procedures
Did you know that you have rights that non-members do not? This is update number 2 in a series of updates to be released over the next few months regarding Union member benefits which differ from non-union members, under the 2020 NSW Local Government (State) Award....
USU@Ausgrid: Member meetings REMINDER
We just want to remind you of the second week of our depot/office meetings occurring next week. PLEASE NOTE, THERE WILL BE TWO MEETINGS HELD AT THE OATLEY & ZETLAND DEPOTS TO ACCOMMODATE FIELD STAFF & LATER ARRIVING ADMIN STAFF – DETAILS BELOW. Tuesday: ...
Qantas Group wage freeze proposal an insult to loyal workforce
Qantas Group released a Wages Policy today that announced a two-year wage freeze in all new EBAs. This means that Qantas Group workers will need to wait until 2022 or 2023 to see a pay increase. Even then, Qantas Group says it wants to lock in a miserly 2% pay rise....
Qantas Group wage freeze proposal an insult to loyal workforce
Qantas Group released a Wages Policy today that announced a two-year wage freeze in all new EBAs. This means that Qantas Group workers will need to wait until 2022 or 2023 to see a pay increase. Even then, Qantas Group says it wants to lock in a miserly 2% pay rise....
USU/ASU members have won some improvements at Qantas Airports around classifications, rostering and leave. Qantas confirms that USU/ASU Level 3’s are not required to take payments. Qantas has confirmed that Level 4s are to take CM payments - Level 3 CSAs should not be...
Campaign launched! The USU’s campaign to protect council jobs from the threat of contracting
Looking around your workplace, how often do you see contractors, contractors who are completing the work traditionally completed by Council employees?
Over the years this has become an increasing problem in many Councils. While at times the use of contractors may be necessary for a specific project or where specialist skills or plant are required for short term situations, in other cases contractors are being used to replace full-time Council jobs rather than supplementing them on a short term basis where legitimately needed. The misuse of contract labour is a threat to secure council jobs.
For this reason the USU has made the decision to launch our campaign “Council services by Council workers”.