USU/ASU members have won some improvements at Qantas Airports around classifications, rostering and leave.
Qantas confirms that USU/ASU Level 3’s are not required to take payments.
Qantas has confirmed that Level 4s are to take CM payments – Level 3 CSAs should not be taking CM payments.
You deserve to be paid the appropriate rate of pay for the work that you do. If you are a Level 3 CSA and you are asked to take CM payments, you should contact the USU/ASU as soon as possible. You should also make it clear to your supervisor or manager that you will only do the work if you are paid the higher duties allowance.
Roster visibility
Qantas has committed to publishing two roster fortnights each time it publishes a roster at Airports. This will start on 1 June, when they will publish the rosters for 9 June and 23 June. They will then keep publishing the two roster fortnights each time they publish the roster. Members should be aware that Qantas is allowed to vary a roster at 7 days’ notice without your agreement.
We will keep pushing for this to be rolled-out to other areas of the business, such as Freight.
Leave calendars
After 1 June, all employees will have access to a block leave availability calendar. This will show leave availability for your port from July 2021. You will be able to access the leave calendar on sharepoint.
Work allocation meetings
Qantas has committed to holding monthly Work Allocation meetings at each port to discuss the fortnightly rosters and work allocation. Meetings will discuss:
- underlying rosters for the fortnights in discussion
- work allocation packs
- schedule information; and
- other information relevant to topics under discussion at that time e.g. leave calendar, training planned.
Invitees to the meeting will include management representatives, work force planning representation, roster committee members and USU/ASU organiser. We will keep members informed with any updates.
Pass this bulletin to your colleagues who aren’t in the union. They can join at www.usu.org.au/join