The USU was granted the ability to conduct another ballot of members in relation to a Protected Action Ballot.  With the unforeseen lockdown at the end of June having a significant adverse impact on participation the first time around, this ballot will be conducted electronically via the Australian Election Company.  You will receive emails and/or text messages with links to the ballot.
Please be reminded that voting YES to all items on the ballot, even if the item doesn’t apply to your circumstances, is EQUALLY as important as voting in the first place.
Please see below for a timetable of the ballot process.
In accordance with Order B2021/760 issued on 17 September, 2021, Australian Election Company, as Ballot Agent, has compiled the following Timetable for the Protected Action Ballot.

  • Voting rolls received from ASU/USU, CPSU NSW & Ausgrid – 10:00am AEST Wednesday 22/09/2021
  • Compilation of PAB Voter Roll/Finalise List of Voters – am Monday 27/09/2021
  • Post hard copy PAB Notices to eligible members/employees with no email address or mobile phone number – Monday 27/09/2021
  • Email/SMS PAB Notices Monday 27/09/2021 to eligible members/employees
  • Post hard copy Internet Voting Instructions to eligible members/employees with no email address or mobile phone number – Tuesday 28/09/2021  
  • Close of Voter Roll – 5:00pm AEST Wednesday 29/09/2021
  • Email/SMS Internet Voting Instructions to eligible members/employees – 9:45am AEST Thursday 30/09/2021
  • Ballot Opening – 10:00am AEST Thursday 30/09/2021
  • Ballot Close – 10:00am AEDT Thursday 7/10/2021


If you have any questions about this email, please contact USU organisers Troy Dunne or Paul Sansom.

Troy Dunne 
0419 403 076 /

Paul Sansom
0409 076 633 /