With the future of the power industry at stake in Western Australia and ASU jobs on the line, your national union the Australian Services Union has thrown its weight behind candidates vowing to stop the sell-off of Western Power by the Barnett Liberal/National Government in WA.

National ASU and USU President Steve Birney and USU General Secretary Graeme Kelly have joined the campaign in WA to lend their support to stop another power sell-off by the Liberal/Nationals.

Steve and Graeme are calling on voters in WA to “Use your Power” and put the Liberal/Nationals last in the WA election this Saturday.

Colin Barnett and the Liberal-National State Government are looking to privatise Western Australia’s electricity system. They want to sell it to help pay off the huge debt they have run up since coming to office.

The number one priority of private companies is to make profit. Privatisation will lead to higher electricity prices, as well as fewer jobs and apprenticeships. It will also mean less reliable services and increased bushfire danger, as the new private owners cut preventative maintenance in the pursuit of profit.

“We know from experience that all the promises to maintain jobs and services and keep prices down are not true,” said Graeme Kelly.

“Just look what happened to 600 Essential Energy workers across regional NSW in the lead up to Christmas last year when management sent out letters to redeployees requesting them to make decisions about their future – putting profits before people. “

We have come to talk to voters about why they need to protect their Power Industry. We have come to support Labor Leader Mark McGowan and his team in their fight to protect the jobs of fellow ASU members,” said Graeme.

“Labor will stop the privatisation of Western Power.”

Steve Birney agreed, “Being a member of a union does not stop at state borders – sometimes we need to fight national or interstate battles because when you are union it is about solidarity.

“The Barnett government has run a $270,000 tax-payer funded ad campaign in support of the sell off – we are here to make sure the voters of Western Australia hear the real story,” said Steve.