If the proposed Enterprise Agreement being put forward by your management is successful existing EMPLOYMENT PROTECTIONS WILL BE LOST FOREVER.


Here is why;

The NSW Government enacted the Electricity Network Asset (Authorised Transactions) Act 2015-Schedule 4, affective 1st July 2015 to 30th June 2020.

This document outlines that employees’ employment at Endeavour Energy is guaranteed to the 30th June 2020.

This document at clause 5 Forced Redundancies, states, there are to be no forced redundancies of continuing employees during the employment guarantee period.

The document at clause 11 Enterprise Agreements, states, an enterprise cannot be varied in its application to continuing employee during the guarantee period.

These clauses above can only be changed by Agreement

If the vote on the EA is successful, then your Management has agreement, and your PROTECTIONS ARE LOST FOREVER.

Protect you employment protection
Don’t be fooled by the fool’s gold being offered by your management