In 2024 the New Gen Committee is looking to significantly grow the activities of the committee and involve more young members. The union is calling on members to join the committee and help us grow members and involvement in this crucial area. Young members are our future.
The New Gen Committee Meetings for 2024:
- 13th of March
- 26th of June
- 22nd of August
- 27th of November
The Committee provides a space within the USU to develop initiatives, which in 2023 included:
- Apprentice/Mentor of the Year Awards – Advertisement and progression of the Awards annually award at each conference. This has been a great opportunity to showcase young workers and continue to develop young activists. The financial incentives provided in conjunction with Active Super have also proven to be very popular. These have been widely distributed through all communication channels. Applications for 2024 are open here.
- New Gen Booklet – This booklet outlines what unions are and how they help workers – young and old – in the workplace. The booklet can be downloaded here.
Future Initiatives and Direction
Campaign initiatives and structure being designed for 2024 falls into the following key areas:
- Communication methods tailored to younger workers
- Education of Young Workers:
- An Active Super information session targeted at younger workers was held in late 2023. This was well received by both younger workers and some parents of young workers. The committee provided input into what young worker sessions could include. Discussions have also been held with Active Super about the expansion of these sessions. Sessions could be developed for other key areas for younger workers such as Basic Employment Rights, WHS and Bullying/Harassment within the workplace.
- Campaigns
- Youth Participation
Be prt of the New Gen team – to find out more contact the New Gen Committee rep Luke here.