New Award! Congratulations to all Essential Water members
Congratulations to all Essential Water USU members on your new Award. Your delegates engaged in a well organised and thought-out bargaining campaign, and we believe have delivered excellent outcome for everyone. 56 eligible members voted and 54 of you voted to accept...
One of the most misunderstood and confusing issues in the NPBS Enterprise Agreement (EA) continues to be the accruing and taking of TOIL. Here we give the Union’s view on when it occurs and how the USU understands it should be calculated. There are three main Clauses...
Broken Hill City Council Consent Award ratified today
The Broken Hill City Council Consent Award has just been ratified before the NSW Industrial Relations Commission. This award is a great success for not only the union but for you as employees of the council. We secured a pay increase of 10.5% compounding over three...
LOCAL GOVERNMENT AWARD 2023 UPDATE: Your pay under attack
This is the fourth member update in our series on the negotiations for the Local Government (State) Award 2023. Local Government NSW, on behalf of your Council, wants to CUT your ordinary pay which will result in your pay being slashed when you access your leave...
City of Newcastle Enterprise Agreement: USU Members Unanimously Support EA Proposal!
Following recent USU mass meetings, site visits, and online voting processes, USU members have voted unanimously to accept a new Enterprise Agreement. This guarantees wage increases for City of Newcastle employees over the next three years and provides improved and...
USU/ASU takes Qantas to the Fair Work Commission to get a fair deal for all under EBA12
As members will know Qantas has taken the aggressive position of trying to cut 1 in 3 workers out of EBA12 by removing SP1 and SP2 from the agreement. This would see SP1s and SP2s put on individual contracts with no guaranteed pay rises, or any of the conditions...
This is the third member update in our series on the negotiations for the Local Government (State) Award 2023. Local Government NSW, on behalf of your Council, wants to make it easier for management to ignore your grievances. Item 20 on the Employer’s Log of Claims...
USU/ASU members show Apple what it’s like to stand together and WIN!
We did it. USU/ASU members banded together and voted against Apple's subpar enterprise agreement. Almost 70% of workers voted NO to Apple's proposal in the ballot. A huge congratulations to USU/ASU members for this epic victory. USU/ASU members voted no because...
We’ve Secured an Agreement with HCF – Voting begins today – 19th October!
After months of negotiations, it’s finally time for you and your colleagues to decide the fate of your HCF Enterprise Agreement 2022 - 2025. Voting will start on Wednesday 19th October 2022 and will close on the following Wednesday 26th October 2022. What’s in...