Unions for YES
Later this year, Australians will vote on a change to the Constitution which will enshrine a Voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It’s an important change that will make Australia fairer and better – and the United Services Union is proud to be campaigning in support of a Yes vote.
Get the facts on the VA Agreement – snap USU/ASU meeting
Voting on Virgin Australia’s new enterprise agreement opens 12.01am Thursday. It’s time to join with your colleagues to vote to save your existing conditions and get a better deal and vote NO. All Virgin Australia workers are invited to our snap meeting tomorrow...
USU@AUSGRID: Personnel Security Procedure in dispute
The combined energy unions have been in consultation with Ausgrid in relation to their compliance with legislative changes to the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act (‘SoCI’). The changes to this legislation will mean that segments, if not most of, our...
Vote No to Virgin’s dodgy Enterprise Agreement
Virgin Australia has sent out the Proposed Agreement for you to view before voting on it. Concerningly, in a last-minute move, which Virgin has not been telling employees about, it has included a new clause in its Proposed Agreement. Virgin’s new clause says the...
USU/ASU takes ‘Vote No’ campaign to Federal Parliament
Your Union has taken our ‘Vote No’ campaign to Canberra. We met with Federal politicians and discussed Virgin’s aggressive campaign to push through a non-union Enterprise Agreement. From March 2020 to August 2021, Virgin Australia received approximately $1.4b in...
Be part of history with a Childcare Award!
We have been visiting early education centres across Sydney and have now commenced formal discussions on an Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Award. Two meetings have been held with employer representatives and the next one is scheduled for 6 July 2023. The...
Download a summary of the changes to your Award.Download a copy of the new draft 2023 Award.Not a USU member? Find out why you should join to vote. Download a summary of the changes to your Award.Download a copy of the new draft 2023 Award.Not a USU member? Find out...
Where is Virgin’s proposed Enterprise Agreement?
Virgin Australia had told employees that the vote for the new enterprise agreement would commence this week. However, the Airline has not sent the proposed agreement to employees in line with its legal obligations – this makes it impossible for the vote to start this...
Australian Services Union (QANTAS Airways) Limited) Agreement 12 APPROVED.
We write to advise that the ASU/QANTAS Agreement 12 received the “rubber stamp” from the Fair Work Commission last week.