The USU was granted the ability to conduct another ballot of members in relation to a Protected Action Ballot. With the unforeseen lockdown at the end of June having a significant adverse impact on participation the first time around, this ballot will be conducted...
USU @ SUTHERLAND: Negotiations for new Core Enterprise Agreement
The Union has received notification from Council that they wish to commence negotiations for a new Enterprise Agreement, commencing at the end of September 2021. In the correspondence received by the Union, Council has sought to impose a set of unacceptable principles...
USU @ Endeavour 97% vote YES to new agreement!
Your negotiating team is pleased to advise that members have overwhelmingly voted in favour of the new Agreement with a 97% yes vote. The new Agreement sees an enhancement on many of the conditions you enjoy. The headline outcomes of the new Agreement are: 3 pay...
USU @ TransGrid EA Update and Survey
Thank you to all who attended the USU update meeting on Tuesday 31stAugust. It was great to meet you all and thanks to all who provided their feedback following the meeting. As discussed in the meeting, the combined unions were to attend a meeting with Management on...
USU @ Endeavour: Negotiating Team endorses agreement
Your negotiating team is pleased to advise that members have overwhelmingly endorsed the Agreement that will soon be put to you to vote on. The new Agreement sees an enhancement on many of the conditions you enjoy. The headline outcomes of the new Agreement are: 3 pay...
LG Award: Only union members have access to industrial disputes in the Commission
This is update number 5 in a series of updates released over the past few months regarding Union Member Benefits which differ from non-union members under the 2020 NSW Local Government (State) Award. Our first update (20/04/21) covered the Union Picnic Day, our second...
USU@Ausgrid: New PROTECTED ACTION BALLOT. It’s vital you vote YES
As members will be aware, our postal ballot of members to endorse the options of Protected Action failed on participation rate. Whilst the yes vote itself showed great results, the stay at home orders enforced just prior to our ballots being posted greatly impacted on...
Qantas Group announces new vaccination policy
Members will have seen that Qantas Group CEO Alan Joyce sent an email this morning advising workers that it will be a requirement for operational employees to be vaccinated against COVID19 from mid-November 2021, and for corporate employees to be vaccinated by March...
Qantas announces new vaccination policy
Members will have seen that Qantas CEO Alan Joyce sent an email this morning advising workers that it will be a requirement for operational employees to be vaccinated against COVID19 from mid-November 2021, and for corporate employees to be vaccinated by March 2022....