warning alert

The last few months have seen NSW go through the start of what many are calling our worst bushfire season ever.

Our thoughts go out to those who have lost property or loved ones and our gratitude goes to those who are fighting the fires day after day.

The fires across the state have resulted in many areas being covered in smoke and ash. In fact on many days NSW had the worst air quality in the world.

The smoke haze is so bad in much of the state that even those without respiratory illness are feeling the effects.

As a worker you have a safe guard.

Should you feel ill or otherwise impacted by any climatic circumstance, including poor air quality, you can immediately stop work and move to a safe place. You should then contact your supervisor and your WHS Officer or representative who will give advice regarding a safe place to work.

Should your employer refuse or try to force you to continue to work contact your HSR, delegate or our support team on 1300 136 604.

If the smoke makes you feel sick please seek medical attention.

As a union member we have your back and will be there to ensure your right to a safe workplace is protected and delivered. Not a member? Join now.