After final discussions with REX Management their proposals will be included in a final document for members to consider.

This document will be available online and in hard copy for staff to review prior to a vote. Management will notify the time frame and process of the vote. Voting is open to all members of staff employed under this Agreement.

The Final Management Offer is:

  • Rollover of the current Agreement with the following changes
  • Duration (Clause 3) – a 4 Year Term of Agreement from 1/7/ 17- 30/6/21
  • Probation (Clause 7.2.2) Change review to 3 and 6 monthly
  • Shift Swaps (Clause 16.10) limited to 2 per fortnight and repaid within the current 28 day roster.
  • Shift Give Away. Staff may give away 1 shift per fortnight as per included memo to Sydney Airport Staff. (memo included below) no change to other Ports
  • Recognition of Service and Experience Clause 7.6. The Union has negotiated the inclusion of a wage level to recognise the contribution experienced staff make to the overall REX employee and customer experience clause explains the application and the criteria
  • Wages: Final Offer Minimum of 2.5% p.a. for 4 years or increased in line with CPI for the corresponding year up to a maximum of 3 %.

The UNION and your delegates consider this final proposal to be the best obtainable position and in summary the Union has negotiated:

  • A roll over of the EBA without loss of any conditions
  • A minimum wage rise of 2.5 % per year affective 1st July for next 4 years
  • Access to a further 1.6% (approximately) for Eligible Experienced Staff
  • Additional 1 shift give away per fortnight

The United Services Union takes this opportunity to thank your delegates who gave of their time to attend meetings and present your concerns and requests for this EBA. If you require further information you can contact your delegates Greg Worthy, Sarah Long or Gail Copping or your Organiser Josh Paterson.

SUBJECT: Shift giveaways for CSO staff
MEMO NO: SYD06072018

“In addition to the 2 shift swaps per week under the Enterprise Agreement, Sydney CSO staff will be able to giveaway shifts under the following terms:

1. An employee will be able to give one (1) shift away per pay period
2. Anything greater will need to be approved by the Sydney Airport Manager and will only be approved if exceptional circumstances apply.

Linda SAFI Sydney Airport Manager”