Your bargaining representatives and the United Services Union met once again with REX management on Tuesday 26th September.

Discussions were held regarding the following issues:

Senior CSO Positions
REX presented an initial offer for senior positions including a cap of 20% of employees to be eligible. Discussion still underway regarding what criteria should be required, issue is open.

Annual Leave Rosters
REX have agreed to include a provision in the EBA that any request for changes to the annual leave roster will be responded to within a 2 week timeframe, issue closed.

Increase Redundancy Provisions
REX have rejected our claim for increased redundancy provisions, there will be no increase to redundancy.

Annual Pay rise
We would like to thank everyone who filled out our survey regarding the three pay rise options offered by REX. The majority of respondents identified option 2 as their preferred option of the three presented. However, the bargaining mix has been altered with the introduction of a new log of claims from REX at the last meeting, most notably the extension to a 4 year agreement term. The majority of feedback received from members indicated they were unhappy with all of the previous pay rise options that, combined with the request of an extended agreement term, has changed the Union’s position on the matter. Various options were discussed in the meeting but the Union has made it clear that a minimum 3% p.a. pay increase will be required, especially for a 4 year agreement term to be considered.

4 Year Agreement Term
As outlined above, an extension to the current 3 year agreement term will be contingent upon other matters. The Union will only agree to a 4 year term if we can ensure staff are protected and will not be disadvantaged by the longer term.

Probation Reviews
The change from three (2mth, 4mth, 6mt) to two (3mth, 6mth) probation reviews has been agreed on, issue closed.

Shift Swap Repayments
The proposal by REX to change the shift swap period from 90 days to 28 days has been initially rejected by the Union. REX said if 90 days is kept then they would intend to limit shift swaps to 1 per fortnight, if it drops to 28 days then they would allow 2 shift changes per week. Please give any feedback on this issue to your workplace delegates.

Overtime Meal Allowance
Figures were presented on what level of impact changing the current overtime meal allowance clause from more than 1 hour to 2 or more hours of overtime would have. This change would be of minimal benefit to REX but can mean a lot to the employees who work this overtime. The Union’s position is to keep the current provision as is. REX have indicated they will put this issue on hold pending the result of other claims.

Medical Certificates Before/After Annual Leave
The Union has agreed to a requirement to provide medical certificates directly before or after a period of annual leave to avoid abuse of sick leave provisions, this issue is closed.

The next meeting is due to be held on Tuesday 17th October. In the meantime, the Union urges all members to give feedback on any issues to their workplace delegates. It has never been more important to become a member of the Union to ensure your voice is heard regarding pay and conditions in your workplace! Please contact your Industrial Organiser Josh Paterson at or 0419 761 320 with any questions or feedback.