This is update number 5 in a series of updates released over the past few months regarding Union Member Benefits which differ from non-union members under the 2020 NSW Local Government (State) Award. Our first update (20/04/21) covered the Union Picnic Day, our second (20/05/21) covered Disciplinary Procedures, our third (21/06/21) covered Workplace Change and our fourth (21/7/21), covered Grievance and Dispute Procedures. This one covers your rights in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission.

As a member in local government you have the protection to have your grievances dealt with in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission.

As you will be aware Local Government is considered to be a non federal employer and as a result falls under the provisions of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW).

Under this Act there is no capacity for a worker to raise a workplace grievance on their own before the Commission. Outside of Unfair Dismissal and Victimisation claims only your union can raise a general industrial dispute under Section 130 of the Act.

This means for any issue a worker in local government may have outside of dismissal or a narrow claim for victimsation, they have no protection if they are not a union member. This makes membership a valuable asset as only members’ rights can be enforced through the Commission. If you insure your car why wouldn’t you insure your job?

If you are not a member join today at or call our members service number at 1300 136 604.