We are pleased to advise that the Fair Work Commission approved Jetstar EBA6 on 18 September 2018.
What next?
EBA6 will come into force 25 September 2018. The USU/ASU has been in discussion with the Company about your salary increases, the Qantas profit-record bonus and will confirm the following details about back pay:
* The pay period staff covered by this agreement can expect to see the 1st 3% p.a. salary increase.
* The pay cycle the backdated salary increase of 3% p.a. will be paid.
* Lastly, the pay cycle the Qantas profit-record bonus can also be processed (subject to all other eligibility requirements).
We are also in discussion with Jetstar about other matters to do with implementation of your new EBA.
Strong Membership
EBA6 was only possible due to large numbers of employees being members of the Union.
If you’re still a non-member you should thank a union member for delivering you a pay rise and many improvements to your terms and conditions of employment.
Join your union today!
Better still, join the USU and contribute to making sure that jobs are decent and secure. Don’t stand by and let others do the heavy lifting.
Well done to all our USU/ASU members for making this outcome possible with your collective strength.
Together we are stronger – join today! You can join online at our secure form: www.usu.org.au/join/
Need more information?
If you have any further questions please contact your local USU organiser or USU delegate.
Official Josh Paterson 0419 761 320