With our industry undergoing major structural changes it is vital that USU members are kept up to date with regular updates.
If you have concerns at work please contact your workplace delegate or USU Organiser – full details are included at the end of this page. If you have an issue or question that you want covered in a member update please let us know by emailing Sean Szabo.

YOUR EBA Negotiations
On 27 October your USU Organiser and delegates participated in a full delegates meeting to review management’s new EBA proposal. A combined unions’ update has been sent around with a breakdown of the proposal and how it will affect members. Please speak to your delegates if you would like a copy of this (contact details below). The proposal was rejected by all delegates as it provided no job security for members and took away key entitlements and protections.
First of all, members are reminded that while these negotiations are in progress the status quo remains and your jobs are safe.
The job guarantee will remain unless we agree to a new agreement that excludes it.
Your organiser and delegates met with management in an EBA negotiations meeting last Thursday and made our position clear on the proposal.
Voluntary Redundancies
While management “promised” that the Voluntary Redundancy would be guaranteed in black and white to affected members, they still refuse to put this promise to paper which is unacceptable!
Forced Redundancies
Management wish to bring in forced redundancies which is no surprise. They have offered a 20 person cap per year for these forced redundancies until 2020 and then it is free reign. Our concern is that the cap will never be used because the threat of a forced redundancy will intimidate members into taking Voluntary Redundancies to avoid the forced redundancy. This way members can be “managed out” without touching the cap!
Empty promises
Again management have said this will not be the case. We again made it clear that their intentions are not good enough! We will not accept this unless it is written in black and white with a clear procedure proposed on how these forced redundancies will be chosen.
Reductions to your right to consultation about decisions and also forced changes to working hours are also a serious concern in this proposal. All that members have been offered as compensation for this, is a one off payment of 2.5% of your wage.
We must unite and make it clear to management that our rights are not for sale!
Have a say
The next EBA negotiation meeting is scheduled for the 24th of November. We ask all members to please let your delegates know your views on the proposal. If you are not a member of the USU we strongly encourage you to join to have your say in this agreement and ensure your rights are protected. We have strength in numbers.
Back Office Optimisation (BPO) Team Tender
The Back Office sub-committee has been working tirelessly to put together a tender competitive enough to be considered by Endeavour Energy.
Currently they are working hard to reach their competitive targets but are not there yet and need your input.
The team runs a weekly Q and A session on Wednesdays from 12:30 – 1:00 PM. If you cannot attend please let your delegate on the team know if you have any input that may assist. Your delegate on this team is Sara Baxter (Contact details below).
Anything, no matter how small, may help them reach their targets.
There are also weekly updates on Thursdays from 10:30 – 11:00 PM. All members are encouraged to ask their delegate on the team for updates.
USU Support During Restructures
Currently there are a number of restructures taking place at Endeavour Energy. The USU is always available to support you throughout the restructure process if you have any questions or concerns or to clarify information ‘heard on the grapevine’.
Please speak to one of your Union Delegates at Endeavour Energy or contact the USU directly.
![]() | SEAN SZABO - USU ENERGY ORGANISER (METRO) M: 0459 068 518 E: sszabo@usu.org.au |
![]() | RUDI OPPITZ - USU ENERGY ORGANISER (SOUTHERN REGION) M: 0409 662 460 E: roppitz@usu.org.au |
![]() | GARY DOWERS - USU DELEGATE (FIELD STAFF) M: 0418 240 336 E: gary.dowers@endeavourenergy.com.au |
![]() | GEOFF PARKER - USU DELEGATE (METER READING) M: 0408 623 335 E: geoff.parker@endeavourenergy.com.au |
![]() | SARA BAXTER - USU DELEGATE (BACK OFFICE) M: 9853 6217 E: sara.baxter@endeavourenergy.com.au |
![]() | TRACEY TURNER - USU DELEGATE (CUSTOMER ADVOCACY) M: 8645 9883 E: tracey.turner@endeavourenergy.com.au |
![]() | MICK NAUMOVSKI - USU DELEGATE (SOUTHERN CALL CENTRE) M: 0408 215 915 E: mick.naumovski@endeavourenergy.com.au |