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Read our March 2024 journal here
Are you being bullied at work?
How healthy is your workplace?


Members can view and download the letters and documents relating to the
ongoing issues at Liverpool City Council here


Latest USU news 

JobKeeper and your leave: know your rights!

JobKeeper and your leave: know your rights!

Now that we are a few months into JobKeeper, you may be looking at your decreasing leave balance and wonder if you will be able to have some leave for when travel restrictions ease.  * The provisions apply from 9 April and have been been extended from 28 September...

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Temporary flexibility in the Clerks Award extended

Temporary flexibility in the Clerks Award extended

The Fair Work Commission has extended and changed Schedule I in the Clerks Award. Schedule I provides award flexibility to help manage the impact of coronavirus and has been extended until 30 September 2020. (see previous update 31 March 2020) “The extension of a...

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Make sure you stay safe!

Make sure you stay safe!

Members will have seen the recent developments with COVID-19 currently in Victoria. With people moving around NSW more freely now since restrictions have been relaxed, your Union is concerned that perhaps the message about social distancing and personal hygiene has...

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Tax time is here

Tax time is here

Did you know that your Union fees are tax deductible? A record of your Union fees will be available in one of the three ways below: If you pay by direct debit or credit card the USU will send you a statement on how much you have paid. If you pay by payroll deduction...

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Latest USU campaigns and updates



The Enterprise Agreement covering many USU members employed by HCF is due for renewal on 30 June, 2021. So what’s happening about a new EA? In March this year the USU approached HCF Management with a view to commencing negotiations but HCF said they were not ready to...

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Jetstar Agrees with USU/ASU: No Stand Down During the Lockdown

Jetstar Agrees with USU/ASU: No Stand Down During the Lockdown

The Union is working hard to support members in Melbourne during the recently announced lockdown.  We are very pleased to report that Jetstar is doing the right thing for members affected by the lock down in Victoria. Jetstar have agreed that no-one will be stood down...

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By your side
Local Government

Local Government

If you work in Local Government the USU is your union. The USU covers employees right across the local government industry.


Energy & Utilities

The USU is a major union in the NSW energy industry. The occupations of USU members cover the range of occupations within the modern energy industry.

Private sector

Private Sector

The USU represents workers employed as private sector clerical and administrative (C&A) employees in most industries.



The USU represents workers employed in the airlines industry, including Check-in Officers, Service Desk Officers, Ticket Sales Officers, Passenger Control Unit Officers.