Council is once again in dispute regarding a breach of the Local Government State Award 2014, relating to their “Draft Higher Grade Policy”.

Giving away 5 daysCouncil’s draft policy endorsed by the Executive Team on 22 March 2017, states higher grades are to be paid for periods of five days or more, or for lesser periods with the approval of the General Manager.

Clause 10 (ii) – Payment for relief duties/work under Award provisions is very clear in its intent and application.

“Payment for use of skills relieving in a higher paid position shall be made for the time actually spent relieving in the higher position and is not payable when the relieving employee is absent on paid leave or an award holiday.’’

The operative words being “time actually spent” – there is no minimum period to ensure the payment is applicable.

The USU is disappointed but not surprised that Council has not tabled this policy at Council’s Consultative Committee meeting to ensure key stakeholders such as the USU, Depa & LGEA have been consulted adequately.

Do not be fooled regarding your rights in acting up in higher duties.

Council is clearly aware of their obligations under the Award but it appears they will attempt anything to ensure the $$$ is not in your pocket.

The USU has put our concerns in writing to Council, and we are now circulating a petition so members can ask Council to review their position on this policy.

Please see your local workplace Delegate or Organiser and make sure you sign the petition – or download it below.