As members know the USU has been involved in ongoing local government Award negotiations for many months.

These negotiations have been difficult, with every aspect of your Award – including some of your most basic working conditions – targeted by Local Government NSW.

Now it is your turn. The USU will be holding workplace meetings from 8th June to 28th June where you will vote on your new Award.

We have prepared these documents which you can download:

1. Extensive summary of the proposed new Award changes
2. Table of proposed changes at a glance
3. Draft new Award

We believe it is a good deal and recommend our members vote to accept the new Award.

What’s next?

Keep an eye out for information about when your workplace meeting will occur and don’t forget to  talk to your fellow workers about your Award. If your colleagues haven’t already joined, now is the time to join the Union.

Only Union members will be given a chance to vote and have their say on the Award.

Join now at