LONG TERM CASUAL? Union membership can help
If you work in the private sector and you have been a casual for more than 6 - 12 months, you now have extra rights and entitlements that you might not know about. Casual employees of national system employers (like small businesses and corporations) who have been...
Airlines members survey – have your say!
We know it has been a tough and challenging year. Throughout this unprecedented pandemic, union members across the airlines sector have fought to Keep Australia Flying. We want to hear from you about your experience. The ASU has launched a survey for all airlines...
What next for your USU/ASU Qantas EBA?
On Wednesday, 25 November, your USU/ASU National Negotiating Team met with Qantas senior management representatives to discuss the status of bargaining. This was not a bargaining meeting. Instead, the company provided an update on the impact of COVID19, their plans...
Bullying vs Reasonable Management Action
Workplace Bullying is a huge issue for workers in Australian Workplaces with an estimated cost to Businesses between $17 billion and $36 billion each year. The average cost for a single claim falling between $17,000 and $24,000. In the majority of cases, the alleged...
USU @ Endeavour Energy: what you told us
Earlier this month, Endeavour Energy members completed their Enterprise Agreement survey to inform the union about what conditions are important to them, what they’d like to see in their new EA and any general items they’d like raised. Please be advised that your...
As you will be aware, the combined unions commenced consultation with Ausgrid on their proposals to re-structure (yet again) its workforce. Despite requests from the USU, which were supported by the ETU & Professionals Australia, for Ausgrid not to monopolise the...
On 16 November 2020 the United Services Union sought increases to the meal allowance and the traineeship rates in the Local Government (State) Award 2020. The Industrial Relations Commission approved these increases with the meal allowance now valued at $16.28 and the...
USU @ Teachers Health
To ease the operational burden of Enterprise Agreement negotiations in what has been a very difficult year, your delegates have proposed to management a 1 year roll over of your Enterprise Agreement with a 3% pay increase from January 1 2021. Management responded in...
USU/ASU members endorse proposed enterprise agreement
Last night USU/ASU members voted overwhelmingly in favour of the USU/ASU endorsing the proposed Virgin Australia and ASU Guest Services and GCC Enterprise Agreement. We expect that the technical process of a vote of all Guest Services and GCC employees will begin in...