The USU continues with negotiations for your new Enterprise Agreement and Management have provided a response for consideration on a number of your claims. The USU requests that you read and provide a response to these claims to your Union Official Melissa Pond so we can continue to progress the negotiations.

  1. Compassionate Leave increase to 5 days for immediate family – Management say that this claim would amount to 0.29% of the total package which doesn’t take into account any loss of productivity. Management are saying that the feedback that they have received has not really included this as a big issue and their preference is to Manage Compassionate Leave on a case by case basis.
  2. Increase Personal Leave days to include 2 Wellbeing Days to assist working from home. – Management say that the current EA includes 2 extra days for employees after 24 months (2 years) service. Management are happy to and will update the current provisions to include Wellbeing Days and Management and the USU can continue discussions on how that can be accounted for when an employee takes a Wellbeing Day so it doesn’t affect the evidence requirements.
  3. Work from Home Allowance $10 per week fulltime employees and $6.50 per week Part time Employees – Management say that the cost for this claim would amount to 0.3% of the total package which included the cost of payroll tax. Management again say that this has not been an issue raised with them and say that if the cost of electricity is prohibitive during the winter months due to the costs for heating then they can make provisions for employees to come back to the office for that time.

    Management also wanted to point out that employees can access benefits such as the 22% employee discount with Simple Energy and 50% discount on NRMA Insurances.

    Management also do not want to create disparity between EA and IA employees who the allowance would not be forwarded on to and say that they will continue to do what they can to assist employees working from home.

  4. Flexible Working Arrangements to extend to all employees – this claim was to recognise that all employees have the ability to seek Flexible Working Arrangements not just employees covered by Section 65 of the FWA (parents with school age children, over 55 years of age etc.). The USU cited examples of students who may seek an FWA to cover exam time and study leave or employees who may need time for prayer. The USU is happy to say that the NRMA has taken this on board and will open flexibility arrangements for all employees in recognition of the diversity it has across its organisation. The Flexibility clause will be amended and will link the NRMA’s policy and procedure around this. The agreement will contain an IFA clause as this is a mandatory requirement in accordance with the FWA to have one in an Enterprise Agreement but if members want further information on this new provision they can speak to their Union Official or Management Representative.
  5. Management have tabled a claim that the USU has previously mentioned which is to reduce the roster time notice period from 8 weeks to 4 weeks. This is to allow for any sudden requirement for changes due to unexpected leave of employees or employees seeking to take urgent annual leave etc. To date the USU has not received any feedback on this claim. The Union is seeking that if this a problem could members please speak to their union official Melissa Pond. If the Union does receive any further feedback on this claim, it will deem that the claim for Management is accepted by members.

The USU is tabling the feedback from members in 2 weeks’ time. This was to allow for members to consider the feedback provided and provide comments to your Official Melissa Pond.

The feedback provided in this flyer is for you to consider and provide a response to say that you wish for this claim to be continued to be pursued or you’re happy for it to be dropped in favour of an overall wage increase. Management have not tabled a percentage offer for wage increase as yet. Similarly if members do not provide feedback to say that managements clam for the reduction in roster notice period then it will be deemed that this claim is accepted by members to change the notice period time.

Please provide feedback to your Official Melissa Pond at

There is still time to nominate if you wish to become a USU Bargaining Rep. If you are interested please contact Melissa on the email above.

If you are not a member and wish to join you can do so by going to our website Union fees can come out of payroll deductions with the NRMA. All union fees are tax deductible. Remember it pays to be Union!