The United Services Union has been notified by members that HCF continues to request mandatory attendance at unpaid meetings (“huddles”) before shift.

In correspondence from HCF to the USU on 7 December 2017, it was clearly stated that “…whilst it is encouraged to attend, it is not mandatory.”.

At no point is it mandatory for you to attend an unpaid meeting. If HCF wish to communicate with staff before commencement of a shift, HCF is required to pay you.

The correspondence also states that “In addition, the Huddles for the Call Centre Sales Team (Parramatta) are scheduled during their shift and not outside of their working hours.”. The USU knows this to be untrue.

Correspondence has been sent to HCF on this matter in an attempt to remind Human Resources and Management that this practice will not be tolerated.

Help us to help you:

  • If you are requested to attend an unpaid meeting please advise your USU Delegate and Organiser IMMEDIATELY
  • If you feel intimidated or threatened by your supervisor for not attending unpaid meetings, please advise your USU Delegate and Organiser IMMEDIATELY
  • If you are requested to sign a performance improvement plan or other performance related document in relation to non-attendance of unpaid meetings, please advise your USU Delegate and Organiser IMMEDIATELY

HCF workplace delegates:
SYDNEY: Glennis Ann Fewett
PARRAMATTA: Rebekah Tong (acting)
ST LEONARDS: Position vacant

The USU is currently accepting nominations for workplace delegates at all HCF sites. If you are interested in becoming a DELEGATE or a CONTACT in your workplace or would like further information, please contact Emily Callachor.

Emily Callachor – USU Organiser – Phone: 0417 420 924 – Email: – Membership Support Centre: 1300 136 604