Do you have access to a suitably trained and qualified First-Aider at your Workplace or Worksite?
The USU is currently seeking information from employees who do not have access to a suitably trained and qualified First-Aider in the workplace.
Under Section 19 of the Work Health and Safety Act of 2011, your employer must ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of their workers whilst they at work.

The Union believes that this puts the onus on Council to have an adequate number of employees trained and qualified in first aid, be readily available, and who can commence CPR within a couple of minutes if required to prevent or minimise the risk of brain injury or death.
Did you know that irreversible brain damage or death can occur from a delay as little as 2 to 4 minutes in commencing CPR?
If you believe that your employer hasn’t got such people placed within your work area, then we need to hear from you.
Please contact your local delegate or USU Organiser with your details to assist the Union in ensuring that your employer is abiding by the Act.