Qantas has told the USU/ASU that it wants to provide a level of on-airport service to customers. Instead of closing the service desk entirely, Qantas wants a ‘Service Hub’ that will be staffed by Level 4 employees. This is a win for USU/ASU members, who’ve been fighting to keep skilled customer service jobs at airports.
But there is still more work to do:
- Qantas said they could not provide us with an update on the final employee numbers for the new structure. This makes it difficult to assess how the new arrangements will work in practice or if they’ll be able to cope with disruptions.
- We are also concerned that many of the tasks will be allocated to Level 4 employees at the Service Hub are currently done by Level 5 employees. We’ll be asking members for their views about this work in the coming weeks.
- Qantas hasn’t provided us with an update on its plans for baggage services. We need to know what the company plans to do in this space so we can discuss redeployment and job swap opportunities.
- We need to bring the CJO and Hobart Contact centre teams into consultation. All these changes could have a big impact on their workloads.
Next Steps
The USU/ASU met with Qantas on Wednesday, 29 September to discuss the company’s plan. We’ve told Qantas that we need more time to consult members about the proposal before we give detailed feedback. Another meeting will be scheduled soon to continue discussions.
Qantas has told us they will restart local port working groups to discuss how each of these changes will be implemented at a port level. Remember, these working groups are not consultation meetings any decisions or feedback should be referred back to national consultation to ensure consistency across all ports.
Pass this bulletin to your colleagues who aren’t in the union. They can join at www.usu.org.au/join.