Virgin Australia were incorrectly applying the Multi Shift Allowance under your Enterprise Agreement. New rules were added which reduced the amount of allowance paid to USU/ASU members. Following a dispute in the Fair Work Commission, Virgin have agreed to a settlement. Virgin will apply new rules to the allowance that are better for USU/ASU members. Virgin have also agreed to back date the new approach to the allowance, including back paying any USU/ASU members who have been underpaid.

The USU/ASU first raised concerns about the Multi Shift Allowance in May 2021. Virgin were applying rules that reduced the amount of allowance paid to members. These rules included using a ‘benchmark’ shift, and applying a meaning of ’30 minutes apart’ that disadvantaged USU/ASU members.

The USU/ASU were unable to convince Virgin Australia that they were misapplying the Multi Shift Allowance. Our next step was to start a dispute in the Fair Work Commission. After the member of the Commission said that he agreed with the union’s approach, Virgin backed down and agreed to a settlement.

USU/ASU members will now be properly paid the Multi Shift Allowance. The USU/ASU are also requiring Virgin to review previous payments to see if any USU/ASU members have been underpaid.

The new approach to the Multi Shift Allowance and the calculation of any back pay will take place at the end of October 2021. Any back pay to USU/ASU members will cover the period from 9 February 2021 until the end of October.

This is an important win for USU/ASU members. By working together, we were able to make sure that Virgin pay USU/ASU members the Multi Shift Allowance they are entitled to under the Guest Services Agreement.

Let’s make sure we celebrate the win. Do you know a colleague who hasn’t joined the USU/ASU? Talk to them about this case and encourage them to sign up – we’re stronger together.

Time to join the union!

If you are not yet an USU/ASU member – now is the time to join. Sign up now to make sure your rights at work are protected –

If you have any questions about this email or need any assistance at work, please contact your USU organiser Thomas Russell on 0419 761 320 or via email at