Your USU/ASU delegates and union officials met with Jetstar management to resolve issues around rostering and leave that members are experiencing.

Unfortunately, Jetstar has failed to comply with the agreed resolution of the dispute we previously ran. The agreed outcome was that Jetstar was meant to have confirmed annual leave for July-December by mid-April. They haven’t done this. Not only is it bad faith from Jetstar, but it leaves members in a state of not being able to plan well-needed breaks. Jetstar has committed to rectify this and will complete the leave approvals by 14 May. Jetstar will shortly be writing to staff about this.
We also raised the following issues:

  1. Limiting shifts swaps and Jetstar not permitting workers to fall under 25 hours per week and how the approach is not flexible.
  2. Jetstar is withholding sick leave for workers until after sick leave certificate is provided.
  3. How Jetstar is averaging maternity leave payments. As we understand members are receiving decreased maternity leave payments, as the Airline is applying the stand-down period to its calculation of pay.
  4. Returning to the pre-COVID rostering arrangements of staff being notified of their roster 4 weeks’ in advance (the current working week plus three weeks’ notice). Jetstar gave us an in-principle agreement to return to the pre-COVID rostering arrangements as soon as possible. The Airline is to provide us with a timeline as to when this can occur.

We expect a response from the Airline by Friday 7 May 2021.

On a positive note, Jetstar is looking to grow its workforce with recruitment recommencing and new workers to join the Airline from July onwards.

If you have any questions about this email or need any assistance at work, please contact your USU organiser Thomas Russell on 0419 761 320 or via email at