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Are you being bullied at work?
How healthy is your workplace?


Members can view and download the letters and documents relating to the
ongoing issues at Liverpool City Council here


Latest USU news 

Safe Workers – Healthy NSW: Sign the petition

Safe Workers – Healthy NSW: Sign the petition

Essential workers in NSW are being asked to work with little or no safety equipment. They come into contact with people daily, putting themselves at greater risk of contracting COVID-19. They do this to keep our state healthy, safe, moving and functioning during the...

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LGS and you: We are here to help

LGS and you: We are here to help

The USU has been talking to members who are, understandably, concerned about the impacts the Covid-19 Pandemic is having on their retirement savings. I have had discussions with the Chairman and CEO of Local Government Super (LGS) expressing the concerns our members...

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Jetstar need to urgently fix your JobKeeper issues!

Jetstar need to urgently fix your JobKeeper issues!

USU/ASU members want Jetstar to pay them the right amount and on time. How hard can it be? But many USU/ASU members have had serious pay issues since the start of the JobKeeper scheme. USU/ASU Organisers met with the Jetstar management team last Friday. We made it...

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Latest USU campaigns and updates

It’s EA Time at the NRMA! Have your say

It’s EA Time at the NRMA! Have your say

It’s time to have your say about what you would like to see in the New Enterprise Agreement. Negotiations for the NRMA Enterprise Agreement will be commencing shortly and the USU needs to know what matters to you and what you would like us to bring to the negotiating...

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USU/ASU seeking details of Electorate Officer underpayment

USU/ASU seeking details of Electorate Officer underpayment

Late yesterday, representatives from the Federal Government Department of Finance – Ministerial and Parliamentary Services (MaPS) contacted the USU/ASU about the underpayment of Electorate Officers’ salary entitlements going back at least 4 years. The USU/ASU has...

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USU@Qantas: Update on Sales Desk Closure

USU@Qantas: Update on Sales Desk Closure

  On Monday, 12 April, the USU/ASU met with Qantas representatives to discuss the imminent closure of the Sales Desk. We are really concerned that Qantas’ new way of working after the closure of the Sales Desk is just not ready and just won’t work in reality. We...

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Local Government

Local Government

If you work in Local Government the USU is your union. The USU covers employees right across the local government industry.


Energy & Utilities

The USU is a major union in the NSW energy industry. The occupations of USU members cover the range of occupations within the modern energy industry.

Private sector

Private Sector

The USU represents workers employed as private sector clerical and administrative (C&A) employees in most industries.



The USU represents workers employed in the airlines industry, including Check-in Officers, Service Desk Officers, Ticket Sales Officers, Passenger Control Unit Officers.