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Read our March 2024 journal here
Are you being bullied at work?
How healthy is your workplace?


Members can view and download the letters and documents relating to the
ongoing issues at Liverpool City Council here


Latest USU news 

Budget 2020: What does it mean for you?

Budget 2020: What does it mean for you?

Last night the Morrison Federal Government handed down the 2020 Federal Budget. So what does it all mean for you? Our Federal Branch of your union had experts locked away in the Government’s budget lockup so that we can bring you insight and analysis about what the...

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USU Women: Special Online Event

USU Women: Special Online Event

The USU Women’s Committee is very excited to announce an Online Evening with Ruan Sims. Ruan is a leading female NRL player and past captain of the Australian Rugby Union squad that played in the Rugby World Cup. Ruan will be speaking to our members on what motivates...

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Restore AFL entitlements

Restore AFL entitlements

Please sign our petition! As you may be aware, your union participated in a meeting with the AFL on Friday 18 September and we were advised of the following: 91 impacted employees elected not to pursue other job opportunities in the organisation; There are currently...

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Latest USU campaigns and updates

Jetstar staff deserve certainty

Jetstar staff deserve certainty

Since the Federal Government’s announcement that new payments would be available for domestic airline workers, and Qantas Group’s decision to stand down 2,500 workers around the country the USU/ASU has asked for more information from Jetstar and the Government about:...

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Qantas staff deserve certainty

Qantas staff deserve certainty

Since the Federal Government’s announcement that new payments would be available for domestic airline workers, and Qantas Group’s decision to stand down 2,500 workers around the country the USU/ASU has asked for more information from Qantas  and the Government to...

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By your side
Local Government

Local Government

If you work in Local Government the USU is your union. The USU covers employees right across the local government industry.


Energy & Utilities

The USU is a major union in the NSW energy industry. The occupations of USU members cover the range of occupations within the modern energy industry.

Private sector

Private Sector

The USU represents workers employed as private sector clerical and administrative (C&A) employees in most industries.



The USU represents workers employed in the airlines industry, including Check-in Officers, Service Desk Officers, Ticket Sales Officers, Passenger Control Unit Officers.