USU members have overwhelmingly endorsed a new Enterprise Agreement, with 98.72% of USU members voting to support the agreement, that guarantees wage increases for City of Newcastle employees over the next three years and provides improved terms and conditions of employment and job security. Following this resounding endorsement, your USU representatives have sought the ratification of the new agreement which will be in force from 1st January 2019 for a period of 3 years. This approval was resolved before the New South Wales Industrial Commission on Monday 5th November 2018.
Main Features and Improvements:
✓ Pay / Allowance Increase – Three guaranteed wage increases during the life of the Agreement in July 2019, July 2020 & July 2021
✓ Salary System – Guaranteed commitment for a total review of the current salary system and all allowances, to be commenced within two months of ratification
✓ Improved Workplace Flexibility – such as 9 Day Fortnight and flexi time arrangements
✓ Improved Job Security – Introduction to maintain core employment numbers of 957 (EFT) – and further increased security of employment provisions
✓ Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave – we are proud to resolve paid (10 days per annum) Family and Domestic Violence Leave for victims and their families.
✓ Half Day before Christmas (Lord Mayor’s Grant) – following the USU’s win to preserve and protect this entitlement in the New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission in 2013
✓ Higher Duties Payment – previous “timeframes” have been removed and higher duties payment will be made for the actual time relieving in the higher paid position.
✓ Personal Leave (Sick and Carers Leave) – Removal of the need to provide medical certificates and/or other certification for absences for sick and/or carers leave.
✓ Wellbeing – Extension of wellbeing programs, including paid leave access for health and wellbeing activities.
✓ Term Contracts / Labour Hire Inclusion of a clause defining specific conditions for the use of term contracts and the use of Labour Hire including protections for permanent employees
✓ Learning and Development Strong emphasis on improved Career Development opportunities
✓ Previous Local Agreements Resolved into the New EA – Waste Collections, Seasonal Lifeguards, Beresfield Childcare Centre & Summerhill Waste Management Facility Caretaker

The USU thanks all members who turned out in their hundreds for USU Member meetings on 25th October 2018 and all members for providing their important vote on the proposed new EA. Due to the collective strength of the USU membership at City of Newcastle, THIS vote of the USU membership directed the endorsement and approval of this agreement.
Trade Offs?
All these improvements, and more, were achieved without any trade-offs or any reduction of current workplace entitlements.
Being Collective Counts!
USU membership has been integral in improving conditions of employment at City of Newcastle and this agreement continues this record. This was again achieved by the collective strength of the USU membership!
Not yet a member?
Want to be part of a united collective who continually improves wages and conditions?
How to Join?
Please contact your local USU workplace delegate/s – Keven Burgess – 0400 391 311 or Ross Warren – (02) 4974 2307 (NCC Admin Building). Alternatively, you can also contact USU Organiser Luke Hutchinson on 0419 761 323 or or visit here!
Further information regarding all the changes in detail, including the full document, can be downloaded below or can be made available by your USU representatives.