The New England County Council Comprises of, Walcha, Uralla, Armidale and Glen Innes Councils. The NECC in June 24 was put under Administration, the Minister for Local Government the Hon Ron Hoenig, has appointment Mr. John Rayner as Interim Administrator.
The N.E.C.C has now been dissolved and the Minister for Local Government requires agreement between all the Councils, Administrator and the United Services Union to develop a working future services delivery model to manage the Council’s Legal obligations in relation to, (1) the Biodiversity Act Responsibilities and (2) The Local Government Act 1993, specifies arrangement for Council staff affected by the constitution, amalgamation or alteration of Council areas.
The local United Service Union Organiser Chris Preston has been meeting with staff of the N.EC.C. and have had staff complete the USU workplace agreements or Practices audit forms, as their conditions of employment are protected for three years. The Organiser has arranged several meetings with all the Weeds Staff and the General Managers of the four Councils, for staff to raise issues directly affecting them e.g. staff placement at each Council.
The proposed new structure that the Councils have agreed to implement for the future, is to break up the New England Weeds Authority into the four constituent Councils. Eg Staff, equipment and assets!
The Minister for Local Government in his letter to the constituent Councils recognised that a number of organisations and individuals will need to consider and support the proposal put forward, including the United Services Union, Department of Primary Industries, Office of Local Government, Minister for Agriculture, Minister for Local Government and the process under the Local Government Act will be followed. At this time the process is ongoing.
*(New England County Council, N.E.C.C.)