Members at law firm Slater & Gordon have been fighting for fair wage and conditions increases in their EA bargaining negotiations. Through bargaining have won some improvements to the agreement, including an increase of parental leave to 26 weeks, 5 days of reproductive health leave, and additional wage increases for legal assistants and law clerks.

There remains disputes however with management on progression for legal assistants and the classification of these positions. Management also refuses to go further than 3.3% per year for wage increases, and refuses to provide a reason for their refusal to expand the enterprise agreement to cover associates and senior associates.

As the dispute has become protracted, National Office filed a s.240 application for Fair Work Commission intervention. We are now in conciliation with management in attempt to end the dispute. Membership has increased through bargaining; and members have increased their activity on site, putting up campaign posters and having recruitment conversations. We have also recruited 5 new delegates through the bargaining process, with a delegate present in 5 Slater & Gordon offices.