On the 10 July 2019 we had our second EBA meeting. While the first EBA meeting on the 26 June was largely administrative in nature, in this second meeting we performed the important task of tabling our respective Log of Claims and having an introductory discussion regarding each item in the respective Logs (download USU/ASU Log and MB Log-the MB Log was slightly amended as a result of the 10 July meeting).

Members will appreciate these are early days of the negotiation and there shall be lots more discussions and arguments concerning these Log items. To clarify some of the items, both the USU/ASU and MB have agreed to provide each other more information, details, draft clauses etc. in time for the next EBA meeting on the 31 July 2019. It is expected that both parties will be clearer where each of them stand on certain issues after the meeting on the 31 July.

Meanwhile, the MB Log will also be discussed at the USU/ASU EBA training day for EBA delegates on the 24 July in Melbourne.

The USU/ASU will keep members informed of any major developments during the EBA negotiations.

If you have any questions about this email or need any assistance at work, please contact me on my mobile 0417 420 924 or via email at ecallachor@usu.org.au or one of the bargaining reps below.

USU/ASU Bargaining Representatives