Long term member and delegate Darrell McNeilly was awarded life membership at the November 2024 Riverina branch meeting, in recognition of his 31 years of service to the union.

Shortly after joining Murrumbidgee Council as a Water and Sewer Operator in 1993, Darrell joined his union.

Within a few months, Darrell was promoted to Water and Sewer Foreman. In 1999 he became a delegate.

Back in 1999, there weren’t too many union members at Murrumbidgee council. Before too long, Darrell had recruited over 90% of staff. By speaking to new starters and constantly stepping up to help members he demonstrated that union membership is a great thing to be a part of.

The ‘Mates Fund’ is a fundraiser account setup by Darrell which has benefited many staff over the years. Workers contribute to the fund which is used to support workers who need to travel for medical appointments or face long hospital stays away from home.

Aside from workplace advocacy, Darrell educated younger staff about the importance of superannuation, encouraging them to make additional contributions while they can rather than frantically playing catchup later on. Those who listened back then are incredibly thankful now, when they look at how much their super has grown.

As Water and Sewer Foreman, Darrell helped Darlington Point through multiple flood events, most of which reached major flood level. In 2022, Darrell stopped the north side of Darlington Point from being evacuated by keeping the pump station running by building a levee bank around it, which kept the infrastructure sealed from the floodwater.

Darrell retired earlier this year and while he will be missed at Murrumbidgee Council, we wish him a happy retirement full of fishing, hunting, making salami and travelling with his wife, Lisa.

Pictured: Darrell McNeilly was presented with his life membership by General Secretary Graeme Kelly OAM at the December 2024 Riverina branch meeting. Left to Right: Shawn Gras (Murrumbidgee Council Delegate, Riverina Branch Committee member), Darrell McNeilly, Graeme Kelly OAM (USU General Secretary).