Following three very productive meetings on Monday 22nd, Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th of July, the USU is happy to advise that we are now awaiting approval from Maria Robertson, Dep. CEO Service & Delivery of the entire Agreement, before being put to all employees at the Department of Internal Affairs for a vote.
The summary of the Agreement is as follows:
- 5 additional days of Personal/Carers Leave (sick leave)
- 2 additional days of Annual Leave (following 5 years of service)
- Increased meal allowance, now $18.00 and is payable after 2 hours of overtime.
- Call out:
- Minimum payable hours is now 4 instead of 3
- Coverage of all transports costs when on a call out
- Increase to allowances, Mon-Fri is $17.00 and $45 for weekends
- x2 penalty rates when working on a NSW public holiday, plus another day in lieu
- Payment of the school holiday subsidy, back paid 1 year
- Exgratia payments for parental leave back dated
- Addition of 30 days paid when retiring due to ill health
- Addition of 30 days paid for death in service
- Higher duties allowance to be paid after 3 consecutive days
- 2 fixed term contracts converted to permanent positions
- A 4 year term for the Agreement
- A simplified remuneration system, with an annual base wage increase of 2.5% per annum for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2021, back dated to 1 July 2019
- A sliding scale increase of 0-2.5% for 2018
When the time comes, the USU encourages members to vote YES to above agreement.
For this excellent in principle agreement, you need to thank your colleagues Paul Hodgson, Bree Wyllie, Chanelle Nicholson, Lasi Lagolago and Alessia Bergantino-Mitu who all did an excellent job of representing the collective interests for this agreement.
Following a YES vote on this Agreement, the Department and the USU will lodge the appropriate forms to the Fair Work Commission for approval.
For more information please contact USU Organiser Emily Callachor on or 0417 420 924