We believe that every member deserves a healthy balance between work and personal life, and this entitlement is a step to making that a reality.
Union members at City of Parramatta Council, one of Metropolitan Sydney’s largest Councils, have commenced on a nine-day fortnight from November 25th. Members will enjoy a rostered day off system, enhancing flexibility and work-life balance.
It’s good to have the 9-day fortnight in place at Council. For me it’s an opportunity to spend more time with family.
While some councils have already adopted a nine-day fortnight or even a four-day work week, securing this at Parramatta Council was challenging. Our union representatives negotiated extensively with Council over many months and we’re proud members stood strong and united.
This was celebrated with a BBQ at the Operations Depot.

We as Union Delegates can’t always change the past – but we fight to lay the foundations to improve conditions for the future. I’m proud of being part of the negotiating team that achieved a 9-day fortnight at Parramatta.
The negotiating team was made up of USU Branch Delegates and Operational Delegates from Parramatta Council and your USU Metro and Industrial teams.
A big thank you to Paul Berwick, Brad Collis, Michelle Jones, Steve Keenan, Todd Lonergan, Gordon Maxwell, Kerwin Meldrum, Webber Pale Eli, Colin Reid, Steve Ryan and John Sari.