Team members at Virgin now have the opportunity to negotiate a new enterprise agreement as the current agreement expires on 30 June 2017. The new agreement will deal with your wages and all conditions like rostering, sick leave and annual leave.

Take the survey! We want to know what is important to you.

This survey is open to all team members – there is also an opportunity to nominate to help during the negotiations to get the best deal for everyone.

You can fill in the survey online or on hardcopies that will be distributed locally.

Make sure you fill it in ASAP!

Introducing the United Services Union/Australian Services Union

Some of you might not know who the Australian Services Union is — We are the largest airlines union in Australia. The United Services Union is our union in NSW.

We have members in domestic, regional and international airlines, ground handlers, aviation contractors and contact centres.

We are the experts representing staff in guest services, customer service, administration, finance, marketing, IT, sales and marketing, contact centres and in a range of other important areas.

The USU/ASU has negotiated agreements for members at Jetstar, Emirates, Singapore Airlines, Menzies Aviation, Air New Zealand, Malaysia Airlines, Qantas, Qantaslink, Toll Dnata and a host of other airlines and around 65% of our members in Airlines are women.

The USU/ASU has local industrial staff who are there to help and answer questions – your Organiser is Nick Herbert mobile 0149 761 320.