The following motion supporting Greg’s nomination to Life Membership of the USU was endorsed at Conference 2019.

Greg Scott continues his involvement with the USU as a member of our Retired Members Club.
Greg Scott has been a long term member and delegate of the United Services Union who has provided countless years of service for the betterment of our members at Wollondilly Shire Council. Greg originally joined the NSW Municipal Employees’ Union in 1981 at Wollondilly Shire Council. After a number of years as a Union member in the early 1990’s Greg became a workplace delegate and was one of our members who helped establish the inaugural Southern Branch.
During Greg’s time as a delegate Greg became the President of the Southern Branch and was involved in the changeover period during the merger that formed the United Services Union.
Greg has always been a highly active delegate fighting for the rights of our members. Following the loss of several allowances in the State Award, Greg was able to successfully fight and ensure that some of these allowances are still paid at Wollondilly Council today. His fight, with the support of our members, provided numerous conditions above the Award provisions making Wollondilly Council a more desirable workplace. Greg’s effectiveness as a delegate was achieved because he had very strong support from Union members, he was a member of almost every Committee at Council, from the Consultative Committee to Work Health and Safety Committee.
Greg also knew the importance of keeping our membership strong at Council, in order to do this.
Greg would ensure he approached every new employee at Council and encourage them to join the Union.
Since his retirement Greg has remained an active member in the retired members club. He goes above and beyond and still takes the time to assist in industrial matters in his former Council, still representing members with management and assisting the existing delegates with advice and history.
Greg has been an asset to our Union for many years and his presence is deeply missed. As a result we believe he deserves the honour of life membership.
We move the life membership of Greg Scott be accepted by Conference.