Graeme Kelly OAMBroken Hill City Council wants to know your location whenever you are on leave.

The policy that Council has put forward requires that any worker who travels outside the local health district on a period of leave will be required to notify their employer where they travel to.

From here they get to be the decision maker and dictate whether they deem that travel to be a risk and direct members on to a period of leave.

This is without the advice of the local health authority and exceeds any of the requirements of the NSW Government Public Health Order.

Decisions about health risks should be made by the Department of Health and the Local Health Authority, not your council. The union believes this action to be excessive and unreasonable.

General Secretary Graeme Kelly has stated: “This policy is regarded as an invasion of members’ privacy and is meant to be restrictive on your travels and private time.”

The union believes this document to be a vast overstep of any right to know what you do in your private time and advises our members to not complete this form as it is an invasion of your privacy. This matter remains before the NSW Industrial Relations Commission with a report back on the 22nd of June.

If you seek any further information contact your Organiser Mr Brian Harrington on 0409 395 539