As you are aware the EA Negotiations for NIB were put on hold due to Operational Changes and COVID 19.

NIB have now contacted the USU and are ready to commence negotiations for a new Enterprise Agreement and will be putting out to you a Notice of Representational Rights which is a document calling for employees to nominate to be a Bargaining Representative or to nominate someone to act as a representative on your behalf. As parties to the Enterprise Agreement, the USU is automatically a Bargaining Representatives but we will also be calling for Union Representatives to be on the Bargaining Committee as well as we have always done in EA’s past.

Late last year, the USU put out a survey to members to gauge what is important to be tabled in the log of claims. We have collated these responses which primarily said that Salary Banding and the lack of flexibility were the two main issues facing members at NIB.

Survey! Have your say!

However to be sure that the log of claims is relevant to you, we have attached the USU at NIB Survey again for you to complete. We also want you to fill in the comments section so we can cover off any other claims that are relevant to you. This may also include issues or claims around working from home or COVID specific which were not relevant 12 months ago when you filled in the previous survey. You can also complete this survey online at

We are also calling for Union Bargaining Representatives. This is important because your delegate Coby Rooimans is not available to negotiate this agreement and we want our members properly represented within NIB from USU Members. Your Organiser Melissa Pond will also be negotiating your agreement for the USU.

Please note that in this round of negotiations the IVCC Department will be covered under the new agreement so we are calling on our USU IVCC members to fill in the survey and also if you wish to nominate someone from IVCC to be a USU Bargaining Representative to do so in order to be properly represented at the bargaining table.

We are also happy for members to pass on the survey to non-members to fill in. Obviously we welcome non-members to join the union as we believe that as a collective we achieve more for our members and provide a greater voice in order to improve working conditions as well as Workplace Health and Safety. More importantly, we want to know that the log of claims captures the true claims and issues facing employees of NIB.

This flyer will be the first of many and we will continually provide updates and seek feedback from you to ensure that these negotiations are being conducted in your best interests.

If you are not a member and wish to join, you can do so by going to and go to the join section or you can speak to your delegate Coby Rooimans or your organiser Melissa pond at

It’s EA Time! Time to have your say!

It’s time to have your say about what you would like to see in the New Enterprise Agreement.

Negotiations for the nib Enterprise Agreement will be commencing shortly and the USU needs to know what matters to you and what you would like us to bring to the negotiating table.

You can do this by completing the survey online at

Your responses will be collated and presented to the Bargaining Table for negotiation. Any confidential responses will only be viewed by USU Officials and Delegates and not tabled to management.

Your input is important for us to get a better understanding of what matters to you so we can achieve the best possible outcome for USU members at the nib.

The USU will keep you informed regularly on the progress of the negotiations and if you wish to meet with us, please contact us through the contact details below and we will be happy to meet and provide any updates and answer any questions that may arise.

Please remember that Unity is Strength so if you are not a member and wish to join you can do so online at