You might have seen our members in the news recently talking about the Right to Disconnect! This is because this new legislation is a game changer for shift workers in the airlines industry. Time and time again members have told us about the endless cycle of last-minute shift changes and the constant need to check in with work—even on their days off. We know it’s more than a nuisance; it’s a direct attack on your work-life balance. 

That’s why we’re advocating for firm changes that will make a difference. We want to see the Right to Disconnect enshrined in all awards, for all workers – including airlines workers, setting clear boundaries that protect your personal time. 

This means no more calls, no more emails, and no sudden shift changes after you’ve clocked off. This means rosters that are fair, stable and predictable. The Right to Disconnect is another avenue we can use to win roster justice for airlines workers. 

That’s why we’re taking airlines to task for the times they’ve changed rosters without notice while members are on annual leave or days off and highlighting the need to reduce changes after roster publish. The reality is that being ‘always on’ doesn’t just wear you down—it impacts your health, your family time, and even your productivity at work. By securing the Right to Disconnect, we aim to boost your wellbeing and ensure you can truly enjoy your time off without work hanging over your head. 

USU/ASU members are advocating for a job that supports their life, not consumes it. Keep an eye out for our latest campaign updates and actions as this issue progresses!