ATTENTION: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of the USU employed in NSW Local Government.

As you would be aware NAIDOC Week is fast approaching and will be held between Sunday July 7th through to Sunday July 14th, 2024.

2024 National NAIDOC logo

2024 National NAIDOC logo

This important annual week which commenced in 1975, has its origins going back as far as January 26th 1938 and celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The USU urges all USU members who are eligible to plan ahead, notify your employer and celebrate your culture.

In NSW Local Government, the Industry Award provides for a holiday for eligible persons under Clause 22. Holidays A. General (ii)

Employees who are Aboriginal and Torres strait Islanders shall be entitled to one public holiday day during NAIDOC week so that they can participate in National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Day celebrations. Eligible employees shall provide the employer with a least seven (7) days’ notice of their intention to take the holiday in accordance with this subclause, provided that if less than seven (7) days’ notice is given such leave shall not be unreasonably refused.

The USU also wishes to inform our members that in late 2023 we formed a USU Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee which has commenced meeting.

In 2024, for the first time in the Union’s history of well over a century, we have specifically invited our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee members to attend the USU’s annual conference to be held at Penrith in September and will also be seeking to include representation in our Branch meetings across the state in the future, just as we have done in the past to recognise and grow female and youth participation in the Union.

If you have any questions please contact your USU Delegate, Organiser or our Support Team on 1300 136 604.