Erin recently shared her experiences being at USU Head Office at the USU Women’s Conference. Here are some photos from her time.

EmilyEmily Callachor Perpetual Award

Are you a USU member and an activist in your workplace or community? Why not nominate?

The United Services Union is proud to offer the Emily Callachor Perpetual Award to one female member each year who works hard to make the world a better place every single day! Emily Callachor was such a person. Both in her role as a USU Organiser and in the broader community she worked hard to deliver improvements to the lives of many. Sadly Emily passed away in 2020 suddenly and at a young age.

The USU proudly offers this Award in her honour to help identify the next great USU activist to follow in Emily’s footsteps.

The winner will be seconded to the USU for 3 weeks in March 2025. Arrangements will be made with your employer to ensure this has no impact on your employment. During these busy three weeks you will experience the diverse work of the USU. Activities you will participate in will include:

1. Spending time with Local Government Officials in the field

2. Spending time with EUPS Officials in the field

3. Attending meetings at Trades Hall

4. Attending State Parliament

5. Participate in training sessions with the USU trainer

6. Spend a day with the Manager of Industrial, Rules, Governance and Compliance

7. Spend a day in the Support Team and Membership

8. Spend a day with the USU Communications Officer

9. Attend the NSW Industrial Relations Commission and the Fairwork Commission

10. Participate in a campaign planning.

11. Attend a meeting with current and future partners of the USU Women’s Committee

12. Attend a meeting of the USU Women’s Committee

13. Assist in organising the USU contribution to International Women’s Day

14. Attend a meeting of the Unions NSW Women’s Committee

15. Attend the Annual ALGWA Conference with the USU Women’s Officer

16. Participate at USU Picnic Day

The program for the Award recipient will be developed to ensure exposure to as many of the varied roles of the Union as possible. To apply simply fill in the application form which can be downloaded at or completed online at

Nominations close Friday 25th October 2024